1. Any one , above 18 years, can be an agent with Just Bell associates 2. Once become an agent; he can a) List his property through Just Bell for free of cost b) Generate income when his listing successfully end in a deal c) Generate income when any of the property listed in Just Bell is end in a successful deal with his agent code 3. Once become an agent ;he agreed with Just Bell to a) Publish his listing through any social media b) All properties listing by him is with the full consent of the owner of the property c) Any legal dispute arise from the owner about publishing of his property is his full responsibility 4. Just Bell can delete the agent code at any time without any show cause notice if he Is suspected to any misbehavior or cheating . Commission structure:- a) 50 percentage of the total commission collected from the parties ;if his listing ended in a successful deal only by his own agency. b) 25 percentage of the total commission collected from the parties :if his listing is successfully ended with any third agent c) 50percentage of the total commission collected from parties; if he successfully close a deal of a third agent listed property